Day #1889 (Sat., Mar. 7, 2015) – Sir Robin The Orange
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I took Katie to the Chinese Music Class this morning. It is at a new location…behind the Harris-Teeter off Estes. I had never been there before but Katie showed me where it was. She was weaving in and out of the various hallways. She has a great sense of direction…just like her dad.
This afternoon I drove to Fire Station #2 so that the fireman could install little Bobby’s baby seat in the back of my wife’s car. Nice to get that done. On the way there I returned Katie’s library books and picked up 10 more.
Katie got into the food coloring this afternoon and was upset when my wife told her that she could not play with it because it would make a mess. Well, she did anyway. This evening she came out of her room complaining that she could not sleep as her bed was a mess. When I went to tuck her in I saw that she had made a bowl of orange dye out of the food coloring and water and had proceeded to not only make a mess in her bed, but to die poor Robin’s fur as well. She was hiding in the closet and not making a sound as I went to get my wife to look.
We cleaned up Katie’s room and put her to bed and my wife proceeded to put jungle animal stickers on the wall in little Bobby’s room (see photo to the right) to calm down before she could go to bed. Even with this late night, well after midnight, my wife wanted me to massage her feet before she could sleep.
1) Katie got the food coloring out and died poor Robin orange this evening.