Day #1895 (Fri., Mar. 13, 2015) – Little Bobby Goes Home
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My wife and I were up all night trying to calm little Bobby down. He would nurse and fall asleep and as soon as I put him back to bed he would start crying again. Around 2:00pm I got the idea to hold the pacifier in his mouth while he slept. This worked til about 2:30pm. Esther, the nurse from Kenya, came and put a shirt on him and swaddled him nice and tight. That seemed to do the trick as he slept for much longer after that.
We had the choice to stay in the hospital one more day or just go home. My wife really wanted to go home and I was okay with whatever she decided. The clincher was when both the nurse and pediatrician said that the Hil-Ron bed was probably causing her back pain. My wife exclaimed that it was ironic her back was hurting more than the surgery. We’ll be glad to get away from this place and the revolving door of answering the same questions for everyone who seems to show up.
So, we got discharged around 1pm. I went to get the car but it took a while for the wheelchair to show up to take my wife down to the lobby.
I was wondering if I would forget but I did remember to get some video/photos of me taking little Bobby into our house. Katie and Hannah met us inside. Katie tried to get little Bobby’s attention by squeaking the toy shown in the photo to the right but I explained he was too little to respond.
As soon as we got everything out of the car I was off to WalGreens to get the medication for my wife. We only needed the Oxycodine as we can get everything else over the counter. They needed one hour to fill the Oxycodine prescription…background checks or something like that to make sure it was valid.
While I waited for the prescription I went to WholeFoods to pick up supplies. I got two containers of potato salad, a huge chicken pot pie, some liver and onions, and both baby and regular marshmallows for Katie.
Both my wife and I are so tired. When I get back form picking up supplies she went right to bed. Katie was very good and let me nap on the couch while she watched “Masked Magician” videos.
Nikki made Zitti for us to eat so we had something already made when we arrived home.
This evening I showed Katie how she can help me change little Bobby. She will hand me the wipes and diaper when I need them and is good enough to take the dirty diaper and put it in the trash for me. She’s going to be such a great big sister.