Day #1897 (Sun., Mar. 15, 2015) – Visiting The Pediatrician
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9:20am – Visiting the pediatrician. We thought it was 9am visit so arrived early. Katie wheeled her little brother in to the office in our new stroller (see photo to the right). Another medical messup…they recorded little Bobby’s weight as 9 lbs 9.6 oz when it actually was 9 lbs 6 oz (i.e.: 4252 grams).
When we get home I made sausages and coconut pancakes. Katie loved the sausages. I decided that today would be Daddy/Daughter Day #26. We would start up by cleaning up the house a bit and as a reward I would take Katie to YoPop for a frozen yogurt. I cleaned up the kitchen while Katie cleaned up her toys in the living room. She did such a good job I told her that she could have whatever she wanted at YoPop.
We arrived at YoPop just before noon. Katie had vanilla, strawberry and chocolate frozen yogurt with those little juicy balls, a mini peanut butter cup and a Hershey kiss. The owner lady was not there so Katie did not get the chance to tell her that she is an older sister now. On the way home Katie wanted to “get lost” on a street we have never been on before. We pretended that we saw a witch and she was chasing us until she pooped in her panties. We laughed at her and she went away. Katie laughed and laughed at this…
This afternoon Nikki came to take care of Katie after church. Our savior! I crashed soon afterwards and didn’t wake up til after 7:30pm. I need the sleep if little Bobby decides to be up again all night again.