Day #1901 (Thu., Mar. 19, 2015) – Little Bobby’s First Bath

Katie was up early yet again this morning. As has been the norm as of late she watched “The Masked Magician” while I got her ready for school. I saw Jack, Eleri’s dad, as I was leaving the preschool this morning and he congratulated me on the birth of my son.

My wife and I bundled up little Bobby this afternoon and took him out to see Dr. Price and his staff. We also dropped a couple of cards off thanking them for all their help and support.

Today was a rather restful day as both my wife and I slept a lot. I guess all these late nights and early mornings have caught up with us.

Katie’s classmate Duncan has a birthday this Saturday. My wife called up her mom a couple of days ago to see what a good present would be and she suggested a skipping rope. My wife got one for her and Katie and they arrived in the mail today.

2015-03-19 - Little Bobby's BathOur neighbor Brian stopped by this evening to give us some food. This is a great neighborhood with a lot of very friendly and supportive people who are more than willing to bring us food now that we have a new addition to the family. Katie insisted on showing him the new sheets and towels that Nikki gave her.

Now that the umbilical cord has dropped off tonight was little Bobby’s first bath. My wife took the heater into the bathroom so that it would be nice and toasty warm. Like most boys he hates baths and screamed and cried. Katie held her hands over her ears as the noise was so loud (see photo to the left).

Little Bobby started nursing at 10pm this evening. Let’s see when he finishes this time… (it was 5am!)