Day #1902 (Fri., Mar. 20, 2015) – Daddy’s Little Hamster
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Little Bobby didn’t stop nursing til after 4am this morning. He tends to fall asleep while nursing and then gets up when you put him back in the crib. My wife is exhausted and there is only so much I can do as she is doing the actual nursing.
Katie came and got me up just after 7am this morning. My wife put her clothes out for her last night but Katie mixed them up this morning. As a result daddy had to do a bit of clothes coordination in order to get her ready for school.
The shoulder pads for little Bobby’s car seat are here (see photo to the right). They will help prevent the seat belts from cutting into his neck area and hopefully result in less fussiness and crying as a result.
My wife and I took little Bobby to the pediatrician at 11am for a “weight check”. He gained 3oz…he’s 9lbs 11oz now. The good thing is that the doctor said we no longer need to wake him up every 3 hours to feed him as his weight is up. Now my wife will get to sleep longer.
Hannah picked Katie up from preschool today and they went to the museum in Durham for the day. On the way home Katie had an accident in the car. Hannah told me that she thinks they drank too much pink lemonade. At any rate she left the booster seat at our house so that we could clean it.
Back in the day Katie reminded us of a chipmunk from the little chirps she used to make. Little Bobby reminds my wife and I of a hamster from how he nurses.
I drove to both Trader Joe’s and WholeFoods this evening for supplies. The main purpose was to get pears for Katie (she loves them) and some of those “thin bagel” slices for the “Egg McMuffin” sandwiches my wife really likes.