Day #1907 (Wed., Mar. 25, 2015) – Bewitched
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I woke up just after 7am this morning in anticipation of Katie waking up soon. In the end I had to wake her up around 8:25am and take her to preschool. She got to wear a dress with leggins this morning so she was quite excited.
On the way to preschool Katie asked a lot of questions about God. She even asked “Where does God live?” Nikki told her that He lives everywhere. On the drive home she was asking even more questions. Questions like “Why are butterflies called butterflies”? as they are not made of butter. She also mentioned that Eleri told her there are people in the world who eat bugs.
We swung around and picked up Samantha at 12:15pm. I told Katie that there was a television show when I was a child where a woman named Samantha was a good witch. She could cast spells by wiggling her nose. I even went so far as to record “Betwitched” to show her.
Batman loves to relax in the stroller. You can see a photo of him to the right. Doesn’t he look relaxed?
My wife put little Bobby in the crib in his room this afternoon for a little while. She thought that he might like to have something new to look at. He did spend time looking at the mirror but the mobile didn’t interest him too much at this stage.
It’s interesting to see the cats react around little Bobby. They could care less. If you brought a big animal into the house they would run away. If you brought a small animal into the house they would eat it. They just ignore little Bobby. I wonder if it’s the “human smell” on him? They may realize it’s a human and not mess with it.
When Samantha was done babysitting I drove her home (around 6pm). I’ve been getting emails on the library books I took out for Katie a few weeks ago. I need to remember to return them.