Day #1908 (Thu., Mar. 26, 2015) – Daddy Goes To Dance Class
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I dropped Katie off at preschool yet again today. My wife cannot drive due to the C-Section. As I was leaving I saw Bodie’s mom (Bodie used to be in Katie’s class). I told her that we just had a baby and are catching up with her (she has three kids). She congratulated us.
Katie had an egg hunt at preschool today. As I picked her up all the kids were happily showing off their basket of eggs (see photo to the right). We went right home where Katie had a lunch of broccoli and hot dogs. She did request to have shrimp for dinner tonight.
At 1pm I took Katie to her dance class. She did very well. After the class I asked her what part she enjoyed the most. She said the initial part where they pretended that they were picking fruit off the trees and making a smoothie out of them. I noticed that she has a “tick” where she makes faces when focusing on something intently. Daddy’s girl…I used to do that when I was younger as well.
When dance class was over I drove over to pick up Samantha. She tended to Katie this afternoon and I drove her home after 6pm. As this was he last day my wife paid her. She said that she enjoyed working for us and that if we needed another babysitter at any time let her know. On the way home I took Katie to YoPop for a treat.
Katie managed to get a splinter in her ankle at some point this afternoon. My wife and I had a hard time getting her to let us see it. My wife put some hydrogen peroxide on it. Hopefully that will do the trick.
Batman went missing this evening. Robin returned but Batman did not.
We’re finding that Katie is not into learning her letters and words and spelling as much as we would like. I have a bit of a solution. When I put her to bed in the evening we have been going over the Art Linkletter’s Children Encylopedia. I will describe what it is and she will try to guess it. For example tonight we were going over the letter “L” and I described a llama. I then started to pronounce the word “Llllaaaa” and she added the “ma” sound. I then reinforced the fact that llama started with “L”.