Day #143 (Wed., May 26, 2010) – Pacifier Holder
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5:45am – My schedule is so shot I don’t know when to sleep or get up or “whatever” any more. I’m up now so I might as well go to work…

The photo to the left shows a pacifier holder that my wife picked up the other day. One thing that we have noticed with little Katie is that she has a tendency of spitting the pacifier out and can it be a hard time to find it when you really need it. This little device solves the problem. Once they spit it out, it can be found at the end of the holder as it clips on their clothing, etc. How convenient is that?
8:25am – I got this email from my wife:
Your adorable girl is up and running (i.e. jumping). She refused to have breakfast – life is too interesting to waste it on eating… She’ll get hungry in 30 minutes or so and then she will eat…
9:01am – I got this email from my wife:
Katie is fussy – ate just a little bit, I put her to bed. Maybe she needs a nap… It was a tough night for her, she must be tired. :)))
1) Little Katie really needs a pacifier holder as she tends to spit it out and mommy and daddy are too tired to go find it.