Day #1915 (Thu., Apr. 2, 2015) – Mouse In Tree
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Katie woke up singing just before 8am this morning. She didn’t come out of her room til about 8:15am. I put “Vik The Viking” on the television for her as I made breakfast.
Hannah took care of Katie til noon today. Nikki took over after that. Nikki & Katie got stuck in traffic on the way home and ended up arriving at our house around 7pm. I guess Katie was very good in the car and didn’t complain.
I’ve noticed time and time again that singing “Rock A Bye Baby” calms little Bobby down when I’m cuddling him. He’s about to cry out due to discomfort or wanting milk and this calms him down.
My wife weighed little Bobby at home today. He weighed in at: 10 lbs 2.5 oz. So, he’s gradually picking up in the weight department.
I could see Batman frantically trying to get something on top of a shrub tree in the front yard this evening. I wasn’t sure what it was so I went out to take a look. You can see what I found in the photo to the left…a little mouse. I didn’t think mice could climb?
I talked to my wife and we decided that we would give the poor mouse a reprieve. I picked up Batman and took him into the house. He was not too happy about it. When I went back to the tree to check on the mouse he was gone. It didn’t take him too long to get out of there once the cat was gone.