Day #1920 (Tue., Apr. 7, 2015) – New Light Switch For Katie’s Room
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I dropped Katie off at school this morning and went to Trader Joe’s afterwards for supplies.
It was raining so we didn’t think Everett would show up. He did, and by the end of the day they had installed the awning on our porch (see photo to the left). Now they need to screen it in. They got it from someone for free so this is another expense we don’t need to take care of. You can see the shed that he built us last year in the photo background.
After school Nikki took Katie to see her dog Miley.
Little Bobby was on the swing this afternoon and slept for a few hours. We were expecting him to wake up but his nap went on and on.
Just before Everett left for home this evening he installed a new light switch in Katie’s room.
Katie found two mice that she said were her friends. Since she touched them my wife gave her a bath. As Katie was finishing up her bath she said that “all she wants to do is go visit her friends” (the mice). This child sure loves animals…
I made hamburgers for dinner this evening. Katie didn’t eat them at first but managed to down four of them as she was taking a bath.
Just before I put Katie to bed this evening I gave her a whole pear. She didn’t know how to eat it so I cut it into slices. She wanted yet another pear and I tried to explain to her how to eat a whole one. She wanted to take the easy route and had me cut the core out.