Day #1926 (Mon., Apr. 13, 2015) – It’s Too Spicy
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I dropped Katie off at school this morning. She insisted on taking the “Motion Activated” Talking Parrot we picked up on the weekend. I told her teacher that if it got annoying to just put it in the backpack to make it go quiet.
Little Bobby is almost five weeks old and he is still a very “clingy” baby. He loves to be cuddled and as soon as you put him into the crib he will start to cry again. This is in such a contrast to Katie who didn’t like to be held at all…and look at her now. She loves hugs and wrestling and tickling…all sorts of physical activity.
We got the “cat flap” in the mail today (see photo to the right). Now to get Everett to install it…
Nikki is back from Oklahoma and took care of Katie today. They went to her new apartment as Katie wanted to see Nikki’s dog Miley.
I made a special type of goulash this evening…a combination of tuna, cheese, mushrooms, cream sauce and walnuts on a bed of rice with asparagus. I gave a bit to Katie but she said she didn’t like it as there were nuts in it. Go figure. In the end she had two “Cheese In A Blanket” (i.e.: cheese singles slices) and a couple of small tubs of yogurt. Enough to get her tummy full and ready for bed, which is the main objective.
I was planning on going to WholeFoods to get some milk this evening but I was just too tired. We have enough to last us a few more days.