Day #1937 (Fri., Apr. 24, 2015) – Elephant Mask
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My wife had a rough day today. Little Bobby would not go to sleep and my wife didn’t get to do any work as a result. Just when we think he is over these long periods of “awakedness” he reverts back.
Remember KidZoo? Well it has opened again, this time in the mall. Nikki took Katie there today and she made an elephant mask (see photo to the right).
The patio is all screened in now. It just needs a coat of paint.
When I put Katie to bed in the evenings we often play a guessing game out of the pictures in one of her books. This evening I picked up one of her animal books and we gave it a go. She is extremely good at guessing animals. I’m surprised as just to what she knows. She is also good at giving clues. Tonight she said “This animal has a black and white tail and I think can be in a zoo”. I couldn’t get it. It was a lemur…exactly as she described.