Day #1956 (Wed., May 13, 2015) – Daddy Tends To Little Bobby
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The photo to the right shows the new bibs that my wife got online for little Bobby. These ones are especially nice as they have buttons on the back. The velcro on the other bibs tends to wear out over time.
My wife had a dentist appointment this morning so I took the morning off from work so that I could tend to little Bobby. He was pretty good actually since we had plenty of mother’s milk to “Knock Him Out” once he got fussy. He slept from about 9:15am to 10:30am and then from 11:30am til my wife got home around 12:15pm.
While she was out and about my wife picked up some new sneakers for Katie at the mall. She has outgrown the old ones.
I picked up a bucket of Hardee’s chicken for dinner tonight. There was a funny taste to it…won’t do that again. As Katie was munching down on some she started to choke. I instinctively got a grasp around her stomach and performed the “Heimlich Maneuver”. Problem solved. My wife said that was impressive. I’ve never done this before…guess listening to all that training over the years paid off…
I’m not sure what the deal with Katie was this evening but she was like a rabbit on steroids. It took forever to put her to bed.