Day #1967 (Sun., May 24, 2015) – Music Maker Lap Harp

2014-05-24 - Music Maker Lap HarpI asked Katie if she would like to learn “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on the Music Maker Lap Harp (see photo to the right). She said that she would rather play CandyLand. So much for my desire to teach her music… Maybe when she gets a bit older she will get a hankering. I remember when we tried to play Candyland with her and she just wanted to throw the pieces about. Look at her now.

Katie played in the sprinklers this afternoon. She can turn the water on and off by herself now so that’s nice. Less wear and tear on mommy and daddy.

For Sunday Dinner this evening we had “Steak with Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes”. As sides we had “Green Beans & Mushrooms” and “Salad”. One of the questions at tonight’s table was “What Is Your Favorite Flower”. My wife said “Lilly Of The Valley”. When I said “Venus Fly Trap” Katie said “Me too”! She said that she liked the way that they snapped shut and ate bugs.