Day #1981 (Sun., June 7, 2015) – Fixing The Crib

2015-06-07 - Fixing The CribI went to Trader Joe’s for groceries this morning. I got some strawberries to make a strawberry cobbler this evening. I also picked up some queso sauce for my wife and a pizza for lunch.

I fixed little Bobby’s crib as one of the wheels snapped off. I put a brick underneath it with a foam padding so that the floor will not scuff (see photo to the left). The crib is not as mobile as it once was but seriously, it’s a crib…where is it going?

This afternoon my wife attempted to have a nap but Katie was driving her ride-on car up and down the hallway so it was rather difficult. She did manage to get an hour in though.

Katie and I played about 2.5 games of Monopoly Junior – Frozen before little Bobby woke up. She really likes the game and won both of them. We also had another game this evening with my wife when she woke up.

At this evening’s Sunday Dinner we had liver and onions. It was rather chewy so I had to cut it into smaller pieces so Katie would even attempt it. For dessert we had strawberry cobbler. We didn’t get to many questions but one was “If you could have any hair color what would it be”? Katie answered red as it is her favorite color.