Day #1987 (Sat., June 13, 2015) – Kazoos Arrive

2015-06-13 - KazoosWe needed beets and buttermilk for our dinner over at Genevieve’s tonight so I drove to Trader Joe’s this morning for a few supplies. Helen came over to play with Katie so it was okay to leave my wife alone since Katie was being entertained.

We got our package of kazoos in the mail today (see photo to the right). My wife had never even heard of them til I mentioned them a few days ago. We got a whole pack of them for $5 courtesy of Amazon. Katie sure enjoyed dancing about and playing with them.

At Genevieve’s this evening Katie and Gunther played quite nicely together. We’re hoping that Gunther and little Bobby will become good close friends as they are neighbors. We’ll see…hopefully Genevieve will not need to move to get a good job.

Gunther had a swell time pushing little Bobby’s stroller all over the house.