Day #1997 (Tue., June 23, 2015) – Katie And Her Floats
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We had another walk at University Mall this evening. It’s nice to be able to walk, but it will be ever nicer when things cool down and we can walk in our own neighborhood. There is no way that we are going to expose little Bobby to heat like this…
At the mall this evening Katie got to play with some kids who were there with their families. Katie got down on the ground and crawled around on the rug with them. She loves little children.
Nikki is still in Oklahoma. Her parents are both sick and she was supposed to be coming home any day now. We are not sure what the plans are now considering the illnesses.
This evening Katie wanted to have a waffle so I made her one with an amply supply of honey drizzled on the top.
When I put her to bed she didn’t want to read “Black Beauty”. She brought out a little picture book about a penguin who didn’t know how to skate and didn’t want to go to a party with his friends as a result. I used this opportunity to teach her about how good it would be to learn how to swim. If she didn’t then she would not be able to go to any swimming parties with her friends. She brought up the fact that she would take her floats with her (either the ones that go on her arms, or floats like the “frog” shown in the photo to the right). It’s going to be a tough sell to get those floats away from her I’m afraid…