Day #2000 (Fri., June 26, 2015) – African Art Class Presentation
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Both Casey and Sam came over to take care of Katie this morning. We were hoping that Sam would have time to put the training wheels on Katie’s bike, but it was not too be. They took her to the dentist and by the time they got home the morning was gone.
There was a presentation at Katie’s African Animals Art Class at 3:30pm this afternoon. I took off work in order to attend and then went back to work when it was over. There was an Indian lady singing and playing the guitar. She had us all hold hands and make a circle and say hello to the kids one by one. The photo to the right shows one of Katie’s art class creations…a clay animal dish.
Melanie still hasn’t dropped Katie’s swimsuit off at our house like she promised.
We didn’t go for a walk again this evening due to a chance of rain. Yet again we could have made it to the mall and back. It didn’t rain til late into the evening.
I was trying to calm little Bobby down this evening and we ended up at the piano. I’ve been showing him how to pound his hands on the keyboard to make noise. Tonight he seemed to really take to it and I have the video to prove it. Time will tell if he will end up being extremely musical.
The Supreme Court made lawful same sex marriage in all 50 states today.