Day #2009 (Sun., July 5, 2015) – Katie’s First Skate
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My wife was beat and had a nap around noon today while I tended to the kids. When she got up I decided that I would take Katie out to the Hillsborough Rink for a Daddy/Daughter Day (#31). Sam offered to teach her how to skate but I figure it is my responsibility to at least take her out on her first skate.
Instead of figure skates I got her some hockey skates (see photo to the left) so she would not have to deal with the “pick”. I was surprised how sturdy she was on her feet. No wobbling on anything…like she had been on skates all her life. I rented a little plastic platform (with a lucky #13 on it…go figure…) so that she could hold onto it when she went out on the ice. For most of the time she held on and I pushed her around the rink. She really liked it and I kept telling her how good she was at it.
We went to YoPop afterwards so she could get her fix of chocolate.
This evening my wife made fish and corn for Sunday dinner. She figured that we would be tired when we got home and we sure were…at least I was. This was the first time in almost 30 years that I’d been skating and my feet and legs were not used to the movements.
It was hard to put Katie to bed this evening. All the fun and I’m sure chocolate kept her wired for sound.