Day #2011 (Tue., July 7, 2015) – Waking Little Bobby
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They had “curb side drop off” at Katie’s Art Camp this morning. I decided to forgo this option and take her inside myself. You can see the entrance to Art Camp in the photo to the right.
My wife had to go to the office today as well. She took little Bobby with her. He was fussy all day (perhaps due to teething) so it was quite the day I’m sure…
Helen came over to play with Katie this evening. My wife asked them time and time again to be quiet so they would not wake little Bobby but the problem persisted. In the end she put Katie in her room. I went in to talk to Katie and told her that since Helen was still here she could go and play with her but she needed to be quiet or I would put her to bed as soon as Helen left. That seemed to work.
This evening I tried to calm little Bobby down but nothing seemed to console him. I even took him out on the patio to hear the crickets and frogs but he would scream and scream. In the end my wife took him out to the patio and he calmed right down. He just wanted to be with mommy. That’s not surprising as he will often fall asleep on her lap while nursing. My wife and I discussed that if I was home with him and he wouldn’t calm down I should take him out for a ride in the car. It used to work with Katie and he always seems to fall asleep in the car.