Day #152 (Fri., June 4, 2010) – A 6-Hour Nap…A 6-Hour Nap

3:29am – I’m up. My wife just put little Katie back to bed. My wife says that I’m like little Katie…I sleep for 6 hours and then I’m up. A 6 hour stretch of sleeping seems to be quite a bit for me these days.

2010-06-04 - Mushrooms/Toadstools
2010-06-04 - Mushrooms/Toadstools

The mushrooms/toadstools are out in the area surrounding the lake near our house (see photo to the right). Won’t be long before little Katie will be running around and we will have to be careful that she doesn’t put these into her mouth.

11:34am – I got this email from my wife:


It’s been only 1.5 hours since Katie got up but she is very fussy. However – I put her to bed and she is very happy there… We have lawn mowers here – she might not like them too much…


When I got home from work little Katie was in her bed, but still awake, so I went in and said hi to her.

We thought we might take her with us this evening while we shop for a new refrigerator, but I guess we will leave that for tomorrow.

1) Little Katie doesn’t like the sound of lawn mowers much…