Day #2073 (Mon., Sept. 7, 2015) – Frankie’s Amusement Park
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I took Katie out on Daddy/Daughter Day #35 to Frankie’s, an amusement park in Raleigh. We stopped off at Wendy’s on the way to get some lunch. Chicken nuggets and fries and the like. She also got a nice cold lemonade to take with her on the car ride to Frankie’s…
We toured around the facility for starters so that Katie could see all that Frankie’s had to offer. We then went for a spin on the bumper boats (Katie and I shared a boat) where you not only run into other boats, but got to squirt each other as well. We also shared a 2-seater bumper car and rode around the track at a high speed. Katie howled with delight. We spent a lot of time in the arcade game area. There was one particular game where you are in a dark booth and go through a jungle and shoot at spiders and the like. Katie really liked this game…that’s why we stayed there for so long and kept eating up “credit” after “credit”.
Little Bobby had his first taste of avocado this afternoon. I was at Frankie’s with Katie but my wife sent me a picture. I guess he really liked it. So, in addition to milk he has now had instant buckwheat and an avocado. Soon my wife will be giving him the instant baby oatmeal I picked up yesterday.