Day #2081 (Tue., Sept. 15, 2015) – Wife’s Car Breaks Down
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I took Katie to school this morning. It’s quite a challenge to try to get her to count to 50 and finish off her smoothie at the same time.
My wife had me print out Katie’s lesson homework. You can see a page from it in the photo to the right.
At 2:15pm I got a call from my wife. Her car broke down and she wanted me to pick up Katie. I told her to call AAA as they will take a quick look at the car and if it cannot be quickly fixed they will tow it to Lloyd’s Garage for free. So, I picked up Katie, drove her home so that Kasey could take care of both her and little Bobby and then went back to work.
Little Bobby had his first taste of sweet potato today and he loved it. We’re starting to feed him in the high chair instead of the bouncy seat. He seems to like having this new perspective of being “high up”.
When I got home from work Alicia was talking to my wife. She is our new babysitter as Nikki’s schedule is so unpredictable these days. Alicia is Vietnamese and comes from Maine where most of her family work on lobster boats.
Little Bobby is still struggling with the cold he got about 10 days ago (from Gunther we think). I’m starting to feel a cold coming on as well… Need to get more rest I think…