Day #2093 (Sun., Sept. 27, 2015) – Little Bobby’s First Tooth

Another day of rain and rest for us. There is a low pressure system hovering over the North Carolina coast that is staying put…that’s why we are having so much rain and miserable weather. There was a quick break around noon so my wife took little Bobby and Katie for a walk while I ran errands.

2015-09-29 - Bed CardMy wife picked up a horse racing game for Katie at the consignment sale yesterday. It is filled with all kinds of “sight words”…words that Katie needs to know for kindergarten class. My wife started a game with her this morning and I took her place when she went for a nap. In another game Katie took great delight in showing me a “sight card” with a bed on it (see photo to the right). She said that this was because I enjoyed taking naps so much. She’s certainly right about that.

For Sunday dinner this evening we had Indian food. I picked it up at Trader Joe’s yesterday. I forgot how spicy it was…not the best fit for Katie so I made her a grilled cheese sandwich.

Little Bobby has been real fussy all day. The culprit is the tiny little tooth that we can see peering out from behind his lower lip. My wife gave him some baby Tylenol and that seemed to do the trick. Along with a bit of “Baby Genius – Nursery Rhymes” on Netflix and he calmed right down.