Day #2097 (Thu., Oct. 1, 2015) – Chloe Is Not Getting Married…

2015-10-01 - Frozen Baby Food

The photo to the left shows the assortment of baby food that my wife prepares for little Bobby. She freezes them into ice cubes for smaller portions.

I have lots of work to do today so I decided that I would skip the PTA meeting this morning. My wife took Katie to school and then went to the PTA meeting afterwards.

I stayed at home with little Bobby til Kasey came. Unfortunately she overslept, so had to stay home til 8am. My wife left out an avocado for when little Bobby gets up, and some lunch containers in the fridge. I guess that Katie learned a lesson in feeding little Bobby. She tried to feed him food right out of the fridge. He doesn’t like that and refused to eat. He prefers his food, and even his milk, warm.

This evening Katie told me that Chloe does not bother her about her marriage with William anymore. Katie told me that she took my advice and asked Chloe who she was going to marry. Chloe responded “What? I don’t want to get married? I don’t know who to marry?”. Problem solved. I told Katie that this is a good way to approach questions you don’t want to answer as you get older. Just ask them a question in return. Put them on the defensive. My wife added that she should not do this with teachers though…