Day #2109 (Tue., Oct. 13, 2015) – Bye Bye Alicia
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Katie is still sick so no school for our “not so little chipmunk” today. I stayed home in the morning and tended to the kids while my wife took a work call from 9:30am – 10:30am, but I went to work soon after. I told her that if she was too tired to go on let me know and I would come back and take care of the kids.
We got an email from Alicia…she will be leaving us. I guess she got a scholarship to attend the University of Maine Orono, so she will be moving back to Maine and we are back into the nanny shopping business. She will be around for a few weeks, so we have a bit of time to select her replacement.
As I was putting Katie to bed this evening we went through one of her animal books. She saw a picture of some birds (see photo to the left) and I asked her what the words said. She sounded out the various sounds of the letters and came up with “Hawk” and “Robin”… I was so impressed that we both went running out to the living room to tell my wife.
This evening I brought out the glove with little finger puppets on it (the toy that Katie used to play with back in the day). There is a finger puppet of a zebra and one of a giraffe… He loved it…but of course the finger puppets ended up in his mouth.