Day #2111 (Thu., Oct. 15, 2015) – Arnesa The New Sitter

My wife sent me this email early this morning: “It’s 7:10 am and I’ve been up since 4 am, Bobby just fell asleep, I am going back to bed. I will keep Katie at home today since she still had a 102 F last night… Plus, she has PE today and I don’t think it’s good for her to run… You can go to work whenever you wish. Kasey is coming at 10 am.”

2015-10-15 - Haunted House KitWhen Kasey came she and Katie built a Haunted Halloween House from the kit we got after Halloween last year (see photo to the right).

When I got home from work Arnesa was there. She is new to the Chapel Hill area from Bosnia with her husband who has a PhD in Computer Science. She came over to help out this afternoon when Kasey left. She cleaned up Katie’s bedroom today before she left.

After little Bobby went to bed this evening I drove Whole Foods to get some goat’s milk and some more instant oatmeal for little Bobby. I was hoping to get some Hilda’s potato salad as well but they didn’t make it today. Really? You didn’t make one of your biggest sellers today? My wife was disappointed when I got home as she had been looking forward to having some.