Day #2113 (Sat., Oct. 17, 2015) – Walking Pneumonia

My wife took Katie to the doctor this morning while I stayed home with little Bobby. The doctor said that she has “Walking Pneumonia” (i.e.: Roto Virus) and prescribed her a “C-Pak”.

I manged to feed little Bobby 1/2 jar of pears. He really enjoys grabbing Katie’s hair (she…not so much).

Katie wanted me to pick up cheese & crackers and “Rocket” crackers at Trader Joe’s today. They were out of “Rocket” crackers, but I got pumpkin cheerios as a substitute.

2015-10-17 - Drawing Little PoniesKatie has this little stencil kit that makes drawing “My Little Ponies” so much easier. You can see Katie’s latest drawing in the photo to the left.

We can see an upper tooth coming in for little Bobby.

Katie is feeling much better today after taking her medicine.

In putting Katie to bed this evening we played “3 guesses” with animals. She always says she gets 2 turns if she gets it right on the first guess, but that doesn’t seem to work out…