Day #2131 (Wed., Nov. 4, 2015) – Rolling Over And Over
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The photo to the right shows Katie’s Chinese name. We got to see her handiwork during our visit yesterday.
Little Bobby was rolling over and over again, back and forth, before I got up this morning. My wife said that he would do this when he wanted to reach a toy. He didn’t do it for me…he wanted to talk and play with daddy instead.
My wife picked both Katie and Helen up after school today. They played in the school play yard for a while and then over at our house til Susan was able to pick her up after 5pm.
My wife has been helping the PTA out by compiling a list of room parents for the various Glenwood classes. Some teachers have not responded to her request so Dr. Ryan had to send an email out to them.
My wife has decided to stop swimming lessons for the winter as both Katie and Arnesa mentioned how cold the pool water was on their last visit. Miss Barbara wants Katie to swing by one last time so that she can give her an award and have some sort of recognition for the great job she did. My wife gave Katie the option and she said that she didn’t want to go as it would be boring.
We will be having Arnesa and Genen over for Thanksgiving this year.