Day #2151 (Tue., Nov. 24, 2015) – Little Bobby In A Box

No work for daddy today…he’s sick with what Katie had.

2015-11-24 - Little Bobby In A BoxI put little Bobby into the box that houses his toys. He really liked it. It’s cozy and something new. You can see him reading the Noah book in the photo to the left. It is also a way to keep him contained so that he will not fall backwards and not be able to sit up again.

Little Bobby’s nose is running. Hopefully he is not coming down with something as well. My wife put Kleenex up his nose so he could breath better. He definitely didn’t like that.

Kasey came to take care of little Bobby in the morning and Arnesa picked Katie up from school today.

Katie was all dressed up in yellow today. My wife said how much she enjoyed seeing her in yellow (she’s also easier to spot in a crowd).