Day #2180 (Wed., Dec. 23, 2015) – Katie Roams The Creek

2015-12-23 - BackyardArnesa took Katie and little Bobby to the creek behind our house today. You can see Katie roaming around in the photo to the left.

I sent my sister and brother-in-law a couple of Tim Horton’s gift cards. This is something that I know they will use. They have a new feature this year where you can send it electronically via email. No longer the need to ship it via the mail.

Katie is very excited these days…Christmas is only a day or so away. She keeps mentioning that she is expecting a dollhouse for Christmas. This is a late request. She didn’t mention this til a day or so ago. We had to navigate the delicate waters of how not everything you ask for Santa can bring…especially when it is a late minute request…

I had to go get an MRI this evening in Raleigh so I left after work and did not get home til late. When I did get home smiley happy little Bobby was up and Katie heard me and came out to give me a hug. I was so tired that I soon when to bed. Katie followed me down the hallway and went to bed as well. The only difference is that I love to go to bed while she, well, not so much…