Day #2191 (Sun., Jan 3, 2016) – Katie’s 6th Birthday Party

2016-01-03 - Birthday CakeKatie and I drove out to meet the guy who is boyfriend to the “cake lady” who made Katie’s birthday cake. It was vanilla with chocolate icing and shaped in the form of a painter’s palette (see photo to the left). We then went to Trader Joe’s so that we could pick up juice packs for the kids.

Arnesa and Dženan and Kasey came early to help out. We were running a bit late so we could sure use the help.

The guests started to arrive around noon. Katie greeted them at the door and then handed the presents over to me. I then put them on the shelf area overlooking the stairway going to the basement.

The place was packed, it was hard to move around but everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. The ate a lot of the food and snacks but unfortunately we forgot to put out the bread and mention that coffee was available.

Arnesa and her husband loved the rice krispy paint brushes that my wife made. He was telling me that Bosnians love sweet things but don’t eat as many sandwiches as Americans do.

Little Bobby woke up from his nap around 1:30pm and I changed him and took him out to see all the guests. I was surprised he didn’t start crying. He seemed content to look and round and be with daddy.

Everyone started to leave around 2pm. Helen was the last to leave and there was a bit of a commotion about Helen losing the acorn that Arnesa made for Katie. I found it later in the hallway as I was walking to the bedroom.

My wife gave little Bobby some Cheerios this evening. He seemed to really like them. This is much more convenient than feeding him slop or giving him the bottle…just place them in front of him and away he goes…