Day #163 (Tue., June 15, 2010) – New Outfits
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Little Katie and my wife were still sleeping when I left for work this morning. My mother-in-law just got up and was preparing a cup of coffee.

My wife and mother-in-law went shopping for clothes for little Katie this afternoon. They bought her a number of outfits and you can see one of them in the photo to the right.
I guess that little Katie spent a lot of time playing with the toy piano today. There are various modes on the piano. On one mode it will play an actual note when you hit a key. On another mode it will play a particular nursery rhyme or song. Some of the classics are “Rock-A-Bye Baby”, “Old McDonald”, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, and “Happy Birthday”. My wife said that she has had enough of the “Old McDonald” Song… Little Katie seemed to especially like that piano key…
I’ve been playing with little Katie and tickling her with the pink pig bath mitt and pink feather duster…but it doesn’t seem to get the same response that it got in the store. It seems that some things strike her as funny at certain times and other times “not so much”…
1) Little Katie got some more outfits today.