Day #2240 (Sun., Feb. 21, 2016) – Gunther’s Birthday Party
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I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this morning. I haven’t been there for over a week so we were out of almost everything. I saw Luke’s mom there. Luke used to go to preschool with Katie. He was the guy who was always wearing the super hero shirts. I told her that our little Bobby was as energetic as her Ben, the boy who never stood still and was always running.
This afternoon we went to Gunther’s birthday party. Little Bobby seems to have a high instep like his daddy so his sneakers would not fit him. He looked some cute all dressed up. Katie loves parties and was asking “is it time to go” all day.
The birthday party theme was “fire engines” and they even had a fire engine pinata (see photo to the left).
I got to meet Monique, a cardiologist at Duke who is friends with Genevieve. She told me that she didn’t get a television til she was 30 years old and was afraid of “Fraggle Rock” as a child.
We’re starting to talk about getting some sort of a play area built between our two properties. It will have some sort of a treehouse and swings and a slide. We’re going to get Everett to put it up for us. We just need to decide if we will get him to build it or just go and buy one.