Day #2246 (Sat., Feb. 27, 2016) – Everyone In The House Sleeping
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I heard Katie crying around 5am this morning and went to see what the problem was. She told me that her stomach hurt and she wanted me to go get mommy. As it turns out she has a temperature so my wife is going to take her to the doctor when the office opens at 9am.
Well, Katie has strep throat. My wife was able to get her some chocolate flavored medicine which Katie liked. At any rate, my wife dropped Katie off at home and went to the consignment sale in Morrisville. Daddy will be tending to both kids this afternoon.
When I was finally able to put little Bobby to bed around 12:35pm Katie was sleeping on the LazyBoy. She told me that she was just resting but apparently she is still sick. Here it is 2:35pm and little Bobby is still napping and Katie is still sleeping on the LazyBoy. I was able to have a bit of a nap as well, so everyone in the house was sleeping at one point. Little Bobby + Katie + Me + 2 cats.
My wife got a number of things at the consignment sale in Morrisville. She picked up a number of princess dresses for Katie and a set of plastic workshop tools for little Bobby. See the little black skirt in the photo to the right? Well Katie really liked that.