Day #2257 (Wed., Mar. 9, 2016) – All Up At Midnight

Katie did very well in counting this morning. In fact, she was able to count to 100 before we hit MLK. I’m thinking that we will start some memory games along the lines of Harry Lorayne soon. These techniques she will be able to take with her all her life.

2016-03-09 - StrollArnesa took Bobby out for a stroll today (see photo to the left). Soon he will be strolling around in his new red wagon.

I got a call from my wife just before I left work this evening. She was asking if we had a bicycle pump. I’m sure that we have one “somewhere” around the house but we decided that we would get a new one as all the balls she purchased for little Bobby’s birthday need to get blown up. I stopped off at Wal-Mart on the way home to pick one up. I also got a couple of “needles” in case one goes missing. As I was leaving Wal-Mart I saw a lovely pink ball with polka dots on it for $2.99. I figured that Katie would love it so I picked it up as well.

When I got home this evening little Bobby was already sleeping so I went to bed as well. I didn’t wake up til 11:30pm, and that was due to both Katie and little Bobby crying. Apparently Katie was crying because she needed to go to the bathroom (why not just get up and go?), and little Bobby was crying because he was hungry. Well, I woke my wife up and soon we were all one big happy family out in the living room as midnight approached.