Day #2266 (Fri., Mar. 18, 2016) – Arnesa’s Bike
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Bobby got into Katie’s hair clips this morning upturning the box and throwing the contents onto the floor.
As we were driving to work this morning Katie wanted to talk about our upcoming vacation. She said that she, mom and Bobby could go on vacation and I could stay home and go to bed, retire, and feed the cats. Sounds like a plan…except for the feeding the cats part…
Arnesa drove her bike over to our place today (see photo to the left).
Katie taught Bobby how to do a “raspberry” today. First he sticks his tongue out and roams around the house and then he learned how to do this…
One of Bobby’s favorite activities these days is going to where his baby food is stored and throwing it off the shelf. Boys will be boys…
The UPS truck came and picked up my parcel for Amazon this evening. Bobby was fascinated with the UPS truck and the red brake lights as it drove off out of our doorway. I wonder how much he will be into trucks & cars and whether the super hero desire will overcome one day?