Day #2283 (Mon., Apr. 4, 2016) – Trying To Stand On His Own

2016-04-04 - Katie's HairKatie has such lovely blonde curly hair but it has been a real struggle since the beginning to comb it (see photo to the left). You see, Katie doesn’t like getting her hair combed and will cry and complain til it is done. Such was the case this morning…in fact we were late leaving home because of it. Katie was so upset in the car that I figured I would not press her to do her numbers this morning. We need to find a solution to this hair issue. Maybe it will resolve itself when she starts brushing her own hair when she is a bit older. On the bright side, this is “Animal Week” at Katie’s school.

On the way home this evening I stopped off at Home Depot and got some bolts and other hardware to fix one of the dining room chairs that broke.

When I got home I asked Arnesa if she has tried any of the ginger goodies that I got for her on the weekend. She told me that it has indeed helped her morning sickness.

We are running out of goat’s milk so I went to Whole Foods for supplies this evening. We are finding that we get low on goat’s milk quite a bit now that Bobby has been drinking it.

Bobby was crawling along the floor this evening and tried to stand up numerous times. He didn’t quite make it but my wife told me that he has been successful earlier in the day.