Day #2288 (Sat., Apr. 9, 2016) – Street Fair In Chapel Hill
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My wife took Katie to a science exhibit in downtown Chapel Hill this morning. Basically a street fair with interactive science exhibits for kids and adults (see photo to the right). The theory was that Bobby would fall asleep and I could tend to other things. That was not to be…
He played about and talked and cried in his crib til I went to get him at 10am. He actually banged his head on his musical toy and that made him cry all the more. I then fed him some of his “squishy” food out of a tube and some milk and he had great fun throwing things on the floor. Picking things up off the floor does wonders for daddy’s knee. At 11am I tried to put him to bed again… 11:30am he is out!
Bobby was still sleeping when my wife returned this afternoon close to 3pm. Katie was very upset that my wife would not let her take some of the artificial flowers she found. The reason was that they blew out of a display at a nearby restaurant and were not free for the picking. We had a long discussion in the living room about how Katie needs to be more thankful for what she has. I don’t think she gets how privileged she is and things that she takes for granted other kids long for.
We’re thinking more and more that Bobby might be dispensing with his second nap. It’s getting harder and harder to put him to bed. He is just so curious about everything. It’s a big exciting world out there and he doesn’t want to miss a minute of it.