Day #2290 (Mon., Apr. 11, 2016) – “Perfect Attendance Award”

2016-04-11 - GymToday was “Read Your Shirt Day” at Katie’s school. She wore the Canada shirt I bought her.

As I was dropping Katie off at Glenwood this morning she told Mr. Battle (the guy who opens the door for her) that she was going to get an award this morning. I have a meeting and wasn’t thinking of attending but I changed my mind after that comment. I got out of the meeting and met my wife at Glenwood for the 9am award ceremony.

There were a lot of kids who gathered in the gymnasium. They had the area blocked off with cones (see photo to the right)…one for each grade. Various awards were given out. Katie got one for “Perfect Attendance”. One award was “Best Effort”. I thought they were saying “Best Ever” so I asked my wife for clarification.

Katie is still having her little tantrums. This evening my wife put her to bed and when she went down to talk to her she was a perfect little girl. We’re not sure what’s up with all this. Is she getting sick? Is it because she doesn’t eat? My wife and I decided that should would only have dance on Friday afternoons next year…two nights of dance (with on being on the school night Monday) is a bit too much.

I couldn’t get Bobby to eat for me this evening. He would munch on cheerios and goldfish however. My wife then took over and he ate a whole bowl of oatmeal and one of his squishy meals as well.