Day #2295 (Sat., Apr. 16, 2016) – Evelyn’s 2nd Birthday
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When I got up this morning my wife was tired so she went to bed for a nap while Bobby was sleeping. Katie and I drew a picture of a tornado and played a game of “Frozen Monopoly”.
I made eggs for Katie this morning and told her that if she ate them I would give her a special surprise. When she finished I gave her a bowl of cotton candy that I saw on on top of the fridge.
We went to Evelyn’s Birthday Party this afternoon. My wife took Katie at first and then we took Bobby once he woke up from his nap. Katie wore her Greek Goddess dress and I guess Evelyn followed her around like a dog. Evelyn is two today and you can see her blowing out the candles on her cake in the photo to the left. Bobby spent a lot of time in the inflatable pool with balls and I took him over to see their young chickens.
Bobby really enjoys it when daddy plays the guitar. He is fascinate with the tuner of course as it has buttons. This evening I let him pluck the strings. I wonder if he won’t take up the guitar one day?