Day #2297 (Mon., Apr. 18, 2016) – Bobby Sips Ice Water
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The photo to the right shows all the goodies that we got yesterday at the Dollar Store.
As I was driving Katie to school this morning I thought we should do some adding and subtracting as this is the area that her teacher said she needed to work on. She did a great job…5+4,5-4,10+1,10-1, etc. I figured I would give her a rest as we drove past Lloyd’s Tire and all of a sudden she started counting 1 to 100 without any mistakes. It’s nice to see her gaining confidence in the area of numbers and math.
Bobby wanted to take a sip out of my glass of ice water this evening. The look on his face was priceless as it was too cold for him. Nonetheless, he kept coming back for more. He really wants to drink from a glass like daddy does.
Bobby really likes this popcorn word kit that Katie has. On the back of every cardboard popcorn piece is a word that Katie has to know by the time she is out of kindergarten. Bobby likes to take them out of the box and put them back in, but most of all he likes to munch on them. As he gets more adept with his teeth her really does damage on the cardboard ends. He munched off half of one this evening…I guess we are going to have to limit his exposure to them moving forward.