Day #2309 (Sat., Apr. 30, 2016) – Bobby’s First Strawberry Picking

2016-04-30 - StrawberriesWe bundled up the kids and took them strawberry picking in Durham this afternoon. We were hoping to get away earlier but my wife had a nap after tending to Bobby, the early riser. We took the red wagon so that we could not only transport the kids, but the stash of strawberries afterwards. Bobby had his first freshly picked strawberry today (see photo to the right).

Daddy’s leg was acting up so I tagged along behind while the others rushed ahead to pick strawberries. When I caught up my task was to tend to Bobby so that my wife and Katie could pick strawberries. I pulled him in the red wagon and we went to see the chickens. He got his first taste of a fresh picked strawberry and seemed to really like it. Soon Katie joined us as we “chicken visited”. Before long my wife had picked a box of strawberries and off we went to pay then home. They really don’t make as much money at this place as they could. Just imagine if they sold fresh strawberry shortcake with coffee at the checkout point? Maybe I should rest the land on the house next door and set up a strawberry shortcake stand next year? Just kidding…

My wife made strawberry cobbler this evening.