Day #2357 (Fri., June 17, 2016) – Swimming With Miss Barbara

2016-06-17 - New ToasterWe have a new toaster (see photo to the left). The old one could only handle two slices at a time…too small for a four person family!

Cameron was playing with Bobby at the piano when I left for work this morning. As I was getting my shoes on Bobby wandered over to the front door. Of course he started to cry when I drove off to work without him.

Katie had a swimming lesson with Miss Barbara today. She said that Katie still remembered a lot of what she learned last year, which is nice.

I was talking to a guy at work about Irish dance and he said that Katie might light to take tumbling lessons. It’s a way to burn off some energy and is not as structured as dancing classes. Well, we tried that and she hated it…

This evening I was feeding Bobby and started to spin some of the little toy plates on the high chair table. He was fascinated with it… He really took to a new baby food that we got him…a jar of “apples, raspberries & avocado”. So much so that he grabbed the spoon out of my hand and started to feed himself. I tried to wrestle the spoon from him but he is just so strong…