Day #2362 (Wed., June 22, 2016) – Katie Swims On Her Back!
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My wife took Katie to the doctor this morning. She’s far-sighted. The optometrist said that it would help if she spends more time outside and looks at things far away more.
This truck in the photo to the right was outside our building at work today… Looks like the idea of having great coffee on wheels is not new…
Katie was all excited when I came home from work today. Two new things to announce. First off, she lost another tooth. She met me with her little book that she keeps her baby teeth in. She now has two of them. I guess the days of the Tooth Fairy are gone…
Another big win for Katie. She was able to swim on her back this evening during Miss Barbara’s class. My wife thinks that she will be swimming on her stomach by the send of the summer.
Bobby sure enjoys playing in the little wading pool on the patio. The top ring is deflated so that she can get in and out of it with ease.