Day #2366 (Sun., June 26, 2016) – Making Doggie Treats

Genevieve is not feeling well so my wife offered to take Gunther so that Steven only had to worry about tending to Russell. We gave him some apples as they are organic. We also gave him some “Mac & Cheese” and he loved it. He had three bowls! Bobby gave him a toy which is special as kids don’t really play with other kids in an interactive way at this age.

2016-06-26 - Finding DoryThis afternoon I took Katie to the Lumina theater so she could see “Finding Dory” (see photo to the right). This is Daddy/Daughter Day #46… The audience clapped afterwards… These “Pixar” guys really seem to know how to catch an audience…

Katie was really wound up this evening. We’re starting to think it is the “sugar high” that she gets from all that movie theater food.

Katie was upset that nobody dropped off any dogs at our place today…even after she put the sign up yesterday. I got to thinking that maybe making doggie treats is the way to go. We can make them and put them out on the end of our driveway as a “Freebie” to people who are walking their dogs. This is one way for Katie to share her love for her canine friends. My wife ordered some cookie cutters in the shape of dog biscuits. There is also an “embossing kit” that you can use to stamp cookies. I see that the name is also available…