Day #2383 (Wed., July 13, 2016) – Patting A Corn Snake
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Katie and I had a nice long talk on the ride to Spence’s farm this morning. She told me how their chickens were “tortured” (as she put it). Not sure who or why, but she told me that the girl at the farm told her that if they see a “tortured” chicken to not pick it up as it will think you are going to torture it as well. They will scream out for the rooster who will cut you with the thorn on his foot and he could “Cock-A-Doodle-Do” for the farmer to come as well.
Katie also told me why she didn’t like gymnastics camp. Apparently she liked everything except doing a summer sault on the high bar. I don’t blame her…I wouldn’t like to do that either.
In the photo to the right you can see Katie patting a corn snake that they found on Spence’s farm. This evening Katie told me that she likes to ride the pony “Little Dan”.
They cut down the huge rotting oak tree in our front yard this afternoon. It had a rotten center…no telling when it would have fallen down on its own. Cost about $800 to get this done.
My leg was hurting again this evening. In fact, it seems to be getting worse. Not sure if it is something physical going wrong or a psychological issue given the fact the doctor on Monday alluded to the fact I might need another knee operation. I haven’t been to Trader Joe’s for supplies…I just don’t feel up to it in the evenings any more…
My wife moved the dining room table into the living room so that Bobby can see the television. It’s one of the only ways that I can get him to eat for me. It’s too bad he’s been watching television but since I cannot chase after him due to my leg being bad it’s one of the only ways to make sure he stays in place.