Day #2385 (Fri., July 15, 2016) – Writing On The Walls
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Bobby has started to write on the walls (see photo to the left).
Katie told me that they would be having a pool party today as this is the last day of her Spence’s farm day camp. She had a good time riding horses this week but she misses the other animals in the camp so we are planning on signing her up for another Spence’s farm camp in a few weeks in which she will get to see all the animals.
I had another MRI this evening. Despite all the banging and whirling of the machine, and the fact that I had ear plugs in, I managed to fall asleep for a bit. They told me that the results were sent automatically…not sure if this is to the person who reads them or to the doctor I will be seeing on Monday.
I didn’t get home til close to 7pm this evening due to the MRI. It will be nice to get this leg issue resolved so that I can get back to being “normal”. With Bobby becoming more mobile it’s important that I’m 100% so that I can run after him.