Day #2386 (Sat., July 16, 2016) – Puppet Show
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Katie’s latest want is a “bunny”. You can see her with one of her furry friends at Spence’s farm in the photo to the left.
There was a puppet show (courtesy of the Waldorf School) in the little bookstore down the road (near where Foster’s Market used to be). My wife took Katie there this morning while I tended to Bobby. It was easy to tend to Bobby on this occasion as my wife put him to bed before she left and he slept all the time.
On the way back from the puppet show my wife dropped Katie off at Helen’s place as Susan is taking them to a birthday party.
We got some play yard sections out of the shed this afternoon as we were planning on securing them to the wall as our latest measure to “Pen Bobby In”, but I threw my leg out walking down the hallway (really). I did manage to hobble to Home Depot and back to get the required hardware, but by the time I returned home I just wanted to go to bed. I sure hope that this new orthopedic surgeon will be able to fix my knee…
My wife gave Bobby a toothbrush so that he can mimic Katie brushing her teeth. He loves it.