Day #2390 (Wed., July 20, 2016) – Katie Swims!
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I went out for a drive today and ended up at the 02 Fitness pool south of Chapel Hill. On the way home I stopped off at the Dollar Store and picked up some books about pets, some glow bracelets, and a Ninja punching bag for the kids.
Katie swam for the first time today (see photo to the right). She even put her head underwater and opened her eyes.
I secured the toy cabinet to the wall this evening. It was a worry in case Bobby happened to grab it and it fell on him. Nice to get that done.
Bobby is still running around pointing at things and saying “ish”. He sure loves to scream and squawk. He waked me up if I happen to be having a nap and he is playing with Katie in her room.
Katie was up late this evening. She was crying like mad and I found out that it was due to my wife combing her hair. We’re going to set her bedtime back to what it was during the school year as letting her stay up later in the evenings is just not working.